Once you have decided which of our sod blends and type of harvesting best suits your project, give us a call. We will gladly give you a price quote and answer any questions you might have. We pride ourselves on processing all orders in a timely manner.
Available during all business hours. Please call to make an appointment.
New England Turf delivers throughout the Northeast. All sod delivered to your project by New England Turf comes on a trailer equipped with a forklift. The forklift allows us to carefully place the sod precisely where you want it for added convenience and reduced sod handling.
Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Office: 800-451-2900 or 401-789-5060
Please feel free to contact us:
New England Turf, Inc.
600 Waites Corner Rd
West Kingston, Rhode Island 02892
Phone: 800-451-2900
E-mail: info@newenglandturf.com
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